The prosecutor’s fallacy

So a crime happens. Let’s say a bank robbery. There is video evidence that the robber is male, has red hair, is 6 foot 11, and is left handed.

The police go out and nab a 6 foot 11 left handed redhead.

Say that 2% of the area population are redheaded

Say that 10% are left handed

Say that 1% are 6 foot 11

So the case comes to court and the prosecutor grabs a friendly statistician, and says to the statistician…

“What are the odds that an innocent person would be left handed, 6 foot 11 and have red hair?”

The statistician does the sums, and says “0.002%.”

“That chance is tiny”, think the jury, “the guy must be guilty.”

Here’s the thing, there are half a million people who live in the city, 0.002% of 500,000 is 10, so there are likely to be about 10 people in the city who are redheaded, left handed, and 6 foot 11 inches.

The question an honest prosecutor would ask is “Given that the defendant has red hair, is 6 foot 11, and left handed, what are the odds he is guilty?”

To which the answer is “about 1 in 10.”

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